Did you know that India has been the birthplace of some of the most groundbreaking inventions that have changed the world?

From ancient times to modern era, Indians have been pioneers in creating innovative solutions to everyday problems.

The number system, the concept of zero, and the decimal system are just a few examples of Indian inventions that have revolutionized mathematics.

Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, has been practiced for centuries and has influenced modern medicine in many ways.

The game of chess, which originated in India, has become a popular pastime and has been recognized as a sport by the International Olympic Committee.

The world's first plastic surgery was performed in India in 600 BC, proving the advanced knowledge and skills of ancient Indian physicians.

The famous Indian spice, turmeric, has been found to have medicinal properties and is now being used in the treatment of various diseases.

The Indian scientist, Jagadish Chandra Bose, invented the radio wave detector, which laid the foundation for the development of wireless communication.

The Indian space program has made significant contributions to the world, including the successful launch of the Mars Orbiter Mission in 2014.

These are just a few examples of how Indian inventions have impacted the world. It's time to recognize and celebrate the ingenuity and brilliance of Indian minds.